Rambling Steve Gardner & Muddy Basin Ramblers(TAIWAN) Dec 9/2016

Rambling Steve Gardner & Muddy Basin Ramblers(TAIWAN) Dec 9/2016

Starts from: 09 Dec 2016

Start Time 9:30 pm End Time11:30 pm

Tickets From

no charge

no.77, Sec. 3, He-ping E. Rd. Daan District

Rambling Steve Gardner & The Muddy Basin Ramblers


(TAIWAN) Dec 9/2016 from 9:30-midnight

11209771_10153294475578134_384489767090655425_n jj

Bobwundaye 嘸問題

no.77, Sec. 3, He-ping E. Rd. Daan District, Taipei, Taiwan 106

phone: +886 2 2377 1772


不要錯過了!很厲害的藍調 / 草根音樂家Rambling Steve Gardner 要來台灣演出了!
來自美國密西西比、目前住在日本東京的Steve老師,12月9日(五)將在 Bobwundaye演出,這是他第一次到台灣分享他的藍調音樂,將帶來道地的吉他與歌聲,朋友們:一定要來一起拍手、踏腳、歡笑!身為Steve老師的好朋友,泥灘地浪人當然也會在!第二場我們要幫他伴奏,門票350元(含一瓶啤酒),請看過來: http://www.ramblingsteve.info/

有關 Rambling Steve Gardner:
來自美國密西西比州的Rambling Steve Gardner ,他的生涯始於70年代,以美國藍調、草根音樂為主,當時他是密西西比州「Jackson日報」的攝影師,被指派報導1930年代Mississippi Sheiks樂團的團員Sam Chatmon,而Mississippi Sheiks是藍調音樂的指標樂團之一!採訪工作結束後,Steve和Sam Chatmon也越混越熟,常定期聚在一起吃炸雞或炸魚(美國南方當地菜),吃飽了就一起來jam。

這個經驗對Steve影響深遠,透過攝影工作,他認識更多密西西比的藍調音樂人,包括 Jack Owens 和 Jesse
Mae Hemphill。與這些樂手的來往成為很重要的學習經驗,Steve說:「他們說進入藍調我要找自己的路,一定要用自己的方式,發展自己的風格,讓藍調歌變成你自己的歌」。

Rambling Steve至今發行了七張CD,定期在美國南方巡迴,並出版了一本關於密西西比的攝影集。80年代起開始他長住東京,定期在日本巡演並參加許多文化交流活動。

Our brother from another mother! The Muddy Basin Ramblers are super excited to host Rambling Steve Gardner, a guitar-playing and blues-singing pal of ours from Mississippi, via Tokyo.

Get ready for a raucous night of foot stompin’ “big leg” blues and roots music, as we’ll be Steve’s backing band on Dec. 9, Friday at Bobwundaye in Taipei.

Whether performing solo or with his band the Jericho Road Show, Rambling Steve plays American roots and country blues music, or as he likes to say, “You know, ‘Big Leg’ acoustic stuff.”

Hailing from Pocahontas, Mississippi, Rambling Steve is a former photojournalist who got hooked on making “homemade jam” during the 1970s. While on assignment for the Jackson Daily News, he befriended blues guitarist and singer Sam Chatmon of the legendary Mississippi Sheiks. After meeting regularly for meals of fried chicken and catfish, the two would jam together.

It was then that music and photography became Rambling Steve’s bridge to forging friendships and honing his own skills as a bluesman. He hung out and jammed with other renowned musicians including beloved Delta legends Jack Owens and Jesse Mae Hemphill.

Living up to his name, Rambling Steve found himself on the road, “preaching the blues” wherever the road led him. He wound up in Asia during the 1980s, freelancing as a photographer for Time, Newsweek and Japanese publications, and eventually settled in Tokyo, where he is based today.

Rambling Steve’s album releases include HESITATION BLUES (2012), The JERICHO ROAD SHOW Vol 3 (2015) and the upcoming “Miz Sally Yellow Cat Song Book.” a project inspired by his mother Sally, who suffers from dementia.



Rambling Steve Gardner LIVE Lown-10/2016

Rambling Steve Gardner LIVE Lown-10/2016


不要錯過了!很厲害的藍調 / 草根音樂家Rambling Steve Gardner 要來台灣演出了!
來自美國密西西比、目前住在日本東京的Steve老師,12月9日(五)將在 Bobwundaye演出,這是他第一次到台灣分享他的藍調音樂,將帶來道地的吉他與歌聲,朋友們:一定要來一起拍手、踏腳、歡笑!身為Steve老師的好朋友,泥灘地浪人當然也會在!第二場我們要幫他伴奏,門票350元(含一瓶啤酒),請看過來: http://www.ramblingsteve.info/

有關 Rambling Steve Gardner:
來自美國密西西比州的Rambling Steve Gardner ,他的生涯始於70年代,以美國藍調、草根音樂為主,當時他是密西西比州「Jackson日報」的攝影師,被指派報導1930年代Mississippi Sheiks樂團的團員Sam Chatmon,而Mississippi Sheiks是藍調音樂的指標樂團之一!採訪工作結束後,Steve和Sam Chatmon也越混越熟,常定期聚在一起吃炸雞或炸魚(美國南方當地菜),吃飽了就一起來jam。

這個經驗對Steve影響深遠,透過攝影工作,他認識更多密西西比的藍調音樂人,包括 Jack Owens 和 Jesse
Mae Hemphill。與這些樂手的來往成為很重要的學習經驗,Steve說:「他們說進入藍調我要找自己的路,一定要用自己的方式,發展自己的風格,讓藍調歌變成你自己的歌」。

Rambling Steve至今發行了七張CD,定期在美國南方巡迴,並出版了一本關於密西西比的攝影集。80年代起開始他長住東京,定期在日本巡演並參加許多文化交流活動。

Our brother from another mother! The Muddy Basin Ramblers are super excited to host Rambling Steve Gardner, a guitar-playing and blues-singing pal of ours from Mississippi, via Tokyo.

Get ready for a raucous night of foot stompin’ “big leg” blues and roots music, as we’ll be Steve’s backing band on Dec. 9, Friday at Bobwundaye in Taipei.

Whether performing solo or with his band the Jericho Road Show, Rambling Steve plays American roots and country blues music, or as he likes to say, “You know, ‘Big Leg’ acoustic stuff.”

Hailing from Pocahontas, Mississippi, Rambling Steve is a former photojournalist who got hooked on making “homemade jam” during the 1970s. While on assignment for the Jackson Daily News, he befriended blues guitarist and singer Sam Chatmon of the legendary Mississippi Sheiks. After meeting regularly for meals of fried chicken and catfish, the two would jam together.

It was then that music and photography became Rambling Steve’s bridge to forging friendships and honing his own skills as a bluesman. He hung out and jammed with other renowned musicians including beloved Delta legends Jack Owens and Jesse Mae Hemphill.

Living up to his name, Rambling Steve found himself on the road, “preaching the blues” wherever the road led him. He wound up in Asia during the 1980s, freelancing as a photographer for Time, Newsweek and Japanese publications, and eventually settled in Tokyo, where he is based today.

Rambling Steve’s album releases include HESITATION BLUES (2012), The JERICHO ROAD SHOW Vol 3 (2015) and the upcoming “Miz Sally Yellow Cat Song Book.” a project inspired by his mother Sally, who suffers from dementia.



Rambling Steve Gardner & Muddy Basin Ramblers LIVE Bobwundye 嘸問題

  • Bobwundye 嘸問題 FRIDAY DEC 9, 2016 from 9:30-midnight

    TitleRambling Steve Gardner

    Rambling Steve Gardner